Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Black Women: Everything but Women

Seven years ago this happened

Well that may have been an isolated incident from an out of touch elderly white man. Think again
Hmmm after being called a bitch.
Then there's the question of why
Guess who was arrested and not
According to everything I have been reading lately (well most of my life but who cares) black women are only good for birthing entertainers and athletes anything else should not be praised.  In lieu of Artie Lange's despicable tweets and Carlesha Freeland-Gaither's abduction this has not been the best week for black women.  Artie Lange's stupid twitter rant about wanting ESPN First Take moderator Cari Champion to be the slave that he impregnates 8 times only reminded people of the ugly past of white men forcibly raping and impregnating black women.  Stuff like that only reinforces that the US has not progressed as much as we think it has.  Seeing a black woman who is in the public eye like Cari degraded as such just makes the stomach turn thinking about black women with a lesser profile.
Speaking of lesser profile black women Carlesha Freeland-Gaither's  abduction showcased to the world why black women a lot of times fear walking around neighborhoods.   Men can be outright filthy to black women when they walk down the street if they turn down them down.  "Fuck yo ass ugly" "Stuck up ass bitch" and "hope someone beats that black bitch ass" is all the things black women constantly hear once they turn guys down.  I for one cannot image the feeling of being possibly degraded every time I tell someone no or refuse to give the smallest bit of conversation. 
As time has passed I have grown increasingly sympathetic to the bullshit black women suffer through.  Like seriously what other race of women has to put up with their children being killed by police, having to stay down for the boyfriend or husband due to a broken justice system, and be systematically underpaid?
I am far from a simp, but seriously we have to grow up and stop ignoring the plight of black women.  In the US black women along with black men influence so much of pop culture yet remain at the bottom of the totem poll. A recent example of this was Snoop Dogg "attacking" pop star disguised as rapper Iggy Azalea.  Snoop Dogg has been notorious for calling women bitches throughout his 20+yr career but it was no big deal until he called the Australian musician a bitch then the capes flew left and right.  It was all fun and games when Snoop was calling Uncle Luke's mother "a Frisco dyke" on a track from Dr. Dre's "The Chronic" album, but attack a white woman it becomes "oh Snoop should be ashamed for attacking a woman like that".
In short I challenge people to treat black women with the same respect instead of saving the damsel in distress act for their white counterparts.
In closing I LOVE y'all black women and never stop being the strongest humans on this planet.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Black Males Daily Paranoia

The United States of America is the perfect place to live for all races. After all the U.S. is extremely biracial, complete meritocracy, and everyone is treated the same.  People are very straight forward with no hidden agendas and the government is totally transparent. *Dumps bucket of water over the author's sleeping face* OK PEOPLE THIS IS NOT THE U.S. African American males lives in.

The America black males live in is far from the biracial Utopia mainstream media tried to paint after President Obama was elected in Nov. 2008.  Black males wake up everyday paranoid by things that other races would deem ludicrous.  No other race of males has to be told at a very innocent age what to do in order to stay alive.  If a black man does not live a certain way or avoid doing certain innocent things like buying a bb gun, wearing a hoodie, or god forbid reach for their ID to show cops he may be gunned down in cold blood.  As black men have seen those MENACING tasks can *coughs coughs* lead to an untimely death.

Media portrayal of black males is another cause of their paranoia.  The Three-Fifths Compromise was repealed over 100yrs ago, yet media members tend to look as young black males as super human characters.  Most tragedies that happen to blacks the media asks did the black man provoke the situation instead of putting the spotlight on the killer  Bill Belichick the head coach of the New England Patriots wears a hoodie and he is considered a genius and profits from it  On the other a hoodie led to young Trayvon Martin's *side eye* deserved death and this media portrayal

After all of that has been digested into a black man's psyche he eventually has to pass down his paranoia to his innocent son  He will have to stir up all kinds of old emotions and memories recounting  injustices of innocent black males. How will he be able to make an innocent boy understand that police are more like to oppress him rather than protect him? How 18 yr old  Mike Brown was unarmed and gunned down? How Trayvon Martin was stalked and gunned down for wearing a hoodie on a cool damp night? How Oscar Grant broke up a fight and police killed him? How John Crawford was killed over a bb gun in Walmart?

Those are the questions the parent will have to answer even though he has no clue why blacks are hunted like deer and treated as being inferior to dogs.  When will the generational paranoia end?