Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why the praising of the NBA for Social Stances Makes Me Cringe?

I love the NBA but I cringe every time some big time media member, a player, or sadly a social activist heaps praise on the league in contrast to the NFL.  Late December 2018 Lebron James (2nd best player currently) said on his HBO show "The Shop", "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality,". “And it’s like, ‘This is my team. You do what the fuck I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all." followed by praising NBA commissioner Adam Silver.  I immediately yelled "no just no" at my tv screen out of disappointment.  Since Colin Kaepernick started protesting in August 2016 and his subsequent *coughs* alleged blackballing, James statement was just another one in a long line of those ridiculous statements overpraising the NBA.  
Image result for LEBRON THE SHOPLebron was championed for his words throughout social media for "speaking the truth" but I saw it as another statement being thrown from the NBA's glass house.  The NBA beats its chest about it being so diverse and not tolerating ignorance at all unlike the NFL but its indeed eerily similar to the NFL.  The NBA is 75% black and the NFL is 70% black yet both share a combined ONE majority owner.  With so many black players one would think that hiring coaches and execs who looked like the players would be trendy as they would be able to relate to them but the NBA only has 8 black head coaches out of 30!  The executive ranks in the NBA is worse as there are only 5 black general managers and 3 black president of basketball operation.  Those numbers don't look the most diverse to me.
The NBA will throw out those WNBA commercials where the NBA players are glowingly talking about the WNBA in an instant despite it being so disingenuous.  Let's keep it a buck people don't give a damn about women in basketball circles.  August 2018 the Los Vegas Aces had to forfeit a game due to travel issues. A forfeiture sounds unfortunate till you realize: 
1) That professional athletes were flying coach in 2018, what legit league does this? Seriously
2) The league wanted them to play despite traveling for 25hrs. That's a glaring player safety issue.
The NBA and media like to spew "the NBA doesn't support abuse of women and very sensitive to racial issues" rhetoric whenever the NFL does something stupid (which is pretty often).  They point to getting rid of Donald Sterling often while ignoring how Sterling kept the team for the longest despite losing a historic lawsuit for housing discrimination and oh just a few sexual harassment lawsuits as well.  For his troubles Sterling is two billion dollars richer.Image result for donald sterling money
.Image result for Mark Cuban crying
Now I hope people realize now why I cringe whenever it is suggested that NBA is some sort of Liberal Utopia.  It's just another enjoyable glass house.